وصف مساقات برنامج بكالوريوس هندسة العمارة / مسار تعاوني

  • 12210137: مشغل هندسي [1 ساعات]

    .This course aims to provide students with Workshop principles basics, safety measures and precautions. Also it aims to provide students with basic manual skills in dealing with measuring equipments, manual sheet cutting operations, manual metal sawing and filing, Riveting process, manual threading, electrical metal welding, and Lathe cutting processes.

  • 15010102: تفاضل وتكامل (2) [3 ساعات]

    التكامل المحدود، النظرية الاساسية في التفاضل والتكامل غير المحدود، تطبيقات على التكامل غير محدود، المساحة، حجم الدوران،الاقترانات الزائدية ،ا طرق التكامل :التكامل بالاجزاء، التعويض المثلثي، الكسور الجزئية، التعبيرات التربيعية، المنحنيات في المستوى، ، مساحة سطح الجسم الدوراني، والتكاملات المعتلة، المتتاليات والمتسسلسلات:التقارب والتباعد، المتسلسلات ذات الحدود الموجبة، المتسلسلات ذات الحدود المتناوبة، التقارب المطلق والمشروط، متسلسلات القوى ، الاشتقاق والتكامل، متسلسلات تيلور.

  • 15200112: اللغة الإنجليزية (2) [3 ساعات]

    .مساق اللغة الانجليزية 2 مساق نظري تقدمه جامعة فلسطين التقنية خضوري للطلاب في كليات العلوم والهندسة وكذلك طلاب تكنولوجيا التعليم؛ يقدم المساق لمحة عامة عن مهارات تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية في القراءة والكتابة والتحدث والتي ستمكنهم من التواصل بشكل هادف في السياقات والمواقف العلمية. كما يقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الأنماط النحوية للغة العلمية وعناصر المفردات اللازمة لفهم السياقات والاتجاهات العلمية. خلال هذا المساق، سيتعرض الطلاب لمجموعة متنوعة من الموضوعات العلمية والمدخلات السمعية من أجل توسيع وتعميق مهارات التفكير النقدي لديهم ومساعدتهم على التعبير عن آرائهم حول الموضوعات والمشكلات العلمية الحديثة.

  • 15020101: فيزياء عامه 1 [3 ساعات]

    المتجهات، الحركة على خط مستقيم، الحركة في المستوى بما في ذلك حركة المقذوفات والحركة الدورانية المنتظمة، الديناميكا وقوانين نيوتن، الاحتكاك، الشغل والطاقة، مبدأ حفظ الطاقة، الزخم الخطي ومبدأ حفظه، التصادم المرن وغير المرن، كينماتيكا وديناميكا الحركة الدورانية، عزم القصور الذاتي، المرونة، الموائع.

  • 12280104: رسم حر [2 ساعات]

    In this course, students will expose to a number of traditional skills and ideas that have occupied artists throughout history. The class involves drawing from direct observation with an emphasis on space, volume, linear and free hand perspective, and other basic techniques and concepts. There is an emphasis on line as the principle conveyor of form. The student is expected to develop disciplined work habits and an understanding of the visual artist’s formal language. The students will develop more effective drawing techniques as a specialized form of visual communication. Quality and expressiveness of line are developed. Life drawing, still life drawing and sketching techniques are utilized, to assist students in creating images of their ideas about two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional forms and spaces. Human figure sketches will be incorporated in perspective drawings of architectural environments. The student is expected to produce sketches of interiors which also accurately and expressively delineate the human form to scale, in the architectural context.

  • 12280106: مبادئ التصميم المعماري [3 ساعات]

    Explores fundamental principles and elements of design: form, space, composition, systems, context, imagery, as well as functional and structural organizations. Solutions to architectonic design projects explored through presentation drawings and study models. Simple presentation graphics and model-building are introduced.

  • 12280108: الهندسة الوصفية [2 ساعات]

    Fundamentals of Descriptive Geometry, based on orthographic projection within the limits of accuracy and empirical data. Describing objects and their interaction in a mathematical way. Solving engineering problems using graphic solutions.

  • 12280206: تصميم معماري (2) [3 ساعات]

    Designing simple but complete architectural design projects; involves analytical thinking in design; response to site constraints; site design; architectural programming; materials; technology; explorations of functional, aesthetic, and structural aspects of buildings; developing a complete a set of graphics for architectural design projects.

  • 12280301: تصميم معماري (3) [3 ساعات]

    Conducting design projects that involve complex functions and activities; introduction to systematic design procedures; complex architectural design projects that place emphasis on conceptual thinking and the analysis of contextual constraints, programmatic requirements, and problem solving processes in architectural design; projects attempt to simulate real life conditions with real visit-able sites; activities and objectives, problem definition.

  • 12280308: نظم التحكم البيئي (2) [3 ساعات]

    Appreciation and understanding of the physical requirements of buildings and the sanitary and HVAC systems involved. The first component involves water supply and draining systems, fixtures, and private sewerage systems. The Second component involves the study of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), central heating and cooling systems, distribution media, delivery devices, HVAC system characteristics; psychrometric use applications; system and equipment selection; duct design and layout. Both components address applications in different building scales and types. Attention is given to energy and resource conservation techniques and computer applications.

  • 12280309: الحفاظ المعماري [3 ساعات]

    Introduction to historic preservation in an architectural context with a focus on building materials, properties and technologies of conservation and restoration. Topics include the history of the field, the development of its theories, the different levels of intervention, an overview of the technical conservation matters including traditional building techniques, and the relevant compatible approaches to conserve historic buildings, discussion on the means to enhance and to appropriate conservation methods according to selected cases.

  • 12280405: اقتصاديات البناء وإدارة المشاريع [3 ساعات]

    This course is designed to prepare students to handle the practical tasks that the engineer is exposed to in the real life. The topics discussed in readings and lectures are selected to give the student a comprehensive understanding of the construction projects and the procedural matters associated with projects execution. The course covers four main themes, which are: Tenders procedures and contracts administration, Quantity Surveying and cost estimate principles of engineering and building economics, in addition to project planning and time management. This course teaches the methodology, procedures and techniques involved in preparing and managing bids and contracts, preparing Bill of Quantities, performing detailed cost analysis and estimate for each major construction component, time planning steps and projects schedule preparation, and application of engineering economics in construction. Ethical considerations in bidding, budgeting and estimating are also discussed.

  • 12281106: العمارة الاجتماعية [3 ساعات]

    Understanding architecture in relation to communities social issues such as, gender power relations, Community structure relations and Urban activities. it aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to social behaviour as they pertain to architectural studies

  • 12281107: العمارة الفلسطينية [2 ساعات]

    Study of traditional Palestinian architecture, traditional architectural elements, building materials and techniques.

  • 12281108: تصور الأماكن العامة [2 ساعات]

    Think critically about contemporary public space from a theoretical, a social, an experiential and a practical point of view. The aim of this class is to examine contemporary issues and practices in the production and use of public space and to consider the implications for future design and public policy. While examples will be drawn from an international and comparative perspective, there will be a specific focus on public space in Palestine.

  • 12281109: التصميم الحضري المستدام [2 ساعات]

    Cover different ideas of sustainability and urban design. Researched and gained knowledge of systems and technologies that can be used to achieve less resource intensive outcomes than current systems.

  • 12281114: تطبيقات الحاسوب في التخطيط العمراني ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية [3 ساعات]

    Computer aided planning processes, computer-based geographic information handling--GIS and desktop mapping technology; fundamental concepts and structure of GIS in the context of other related disinclines such as cartography, remote sensing and urban Design. Topics include basic GIS concepts such as map characteristics, spatial data models, relational databases, and spatial analysis; sources of data, data quality and database management.

  • 12281115: التحليل والتدخلات المكانية [2 ساعات]

    "Learning practical experience during the summer term. This experience aims at gaining the following skills:

  • 13010007: مهارات الاتصال [1 ساعات]

  • 15010101: تفاضل وتكامل (1) [3 ساعات]

    النهايات والاتصال قواعد الاشتقاق الممسات و المتعامدات، المعادلات المرتبطة بالزمن، نظرية القيم المتوسطة وتطبيقات عليها، الصيغ غير معينة (?/?،0/0) وقاعدة لوبيتال، المحاذيات الافقية والعمودية، القيم القصوى المحلية، التقعر، رسم المنحنيات . الاقترانات المتسامية :الاقترانات الاسية واللوغارتيمية,الاقترانات , معكوسها .

  • 12280101: مهارات الرسم المعماري(1) [2 ساعات]

    Introduction to graphics, skill development in manual architectural drawing, and related principles of architectural graphics; spatial relationships of points, lines, planes, and solids and voids; architectural drafting conventions; orthographic projections; principles of shades, shadows and perspective techniques. A series of exercises is introduced to advance basic graphic skills and emphasize two- and three-dimensional thinking, including drawings of floor plans, cross sections, graphic diagrams; free hand sketching; model making techniques.

  • 12280203: تدريب بصري [2 ساعات]

    Introduce students the design fundamentals and design vocabulary and enable them to apply the same in compositions and designs. Forms, Properties of forms, variations in forms with inter-relationship among planes, colours, tones, textures, Application of forms in two and three-dimensional compositions, presented in form of scaled drawings, views,

  • 12280208: نظرية وتاريخ عمارة (2) [3 ساعات]

    This course emphasizes chronological development of Islamic civilization and architecture from Umayyad in Syria and Iraq, through the classical and late classical periods in Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, including Mesopotamia, Fatimid, Ayyubid, Mamluk, and Ottoman architecture; influences of Islamic architecture on other architectural styles of the same periods and vice versa; Islamic art, geometry, calligraphy and variations in cultural attitudes in architectural styles; development and evaluation of contemporary architecture in Muslim communities is introduced.

  • 12280304: تشييد مباني (1) [3 ساعات]

    This course provides an introduction to building construction processes, techniques and systems. The course addresses the basics of building structure systems and construction methods of roofs, floors and walls. Additionally, it covers construction methods and components of vertical circulation and openings. Emphasis is placed on the relevant building construction materials and processes of assembling and installation, utilizing building construction codes and standards within a scope of sustainability.

  • 12280404: التصميم العمراني [3 ساعات]

    This course will give the student a general idea about theories of urban design and how cities have been evolved. The theoretical part will introduce the students to different concepts, definitions and principles of urban design. The theoretical part will be supported by studio. This course provides a framework for students to expand their design thinking. It will focus on how cities evolve and develop through time. It will be based on a close reading and analysis of urban fabric of different context and environment. This course will also discuss how urban design relates to other disciplines including planning, development, architecture and landscape and how it operates at many scales from the macro scale of the urban structure (planning, zoning, transport and infrastructure networks) to the micro scale of street furniture and lighting. In this course students are asked to develop a scheme of two different areas in the city centre of Nablus based on analysis of the existing situation and understanding potential and constrains of the site.

  • 12280501: التصميم المتكامل [4 ساعات]

    The comprehensive nature of architectural design is the driver of the studio; A complex and challenging architectural project that involves a real, visitable site, and possibly real clients. The project emphasizes program development; definition of client needs; comprehensive site analysis of real urban context; introducing infill complex projects that serve a community; developing criteria for design and intervention strategies; generating alternatives; evaluation of alternatives; selecting and developing a final solution; considerations of project contextual constraints and all factors (social, formal, and technical) involved in trade-off thinking processes.

  • 12280502: مشروع تخرج 1- برنامج المشروع [2 ساعات]

    Understanding and training in design management and the practice of pre-design studies. Emphasis is placed upon program development, response to contextual constraints; and deep involvement in articulating a complete program and pre-design document, reaching a high degree of practicality and implementation.

  • 12280207: المساحة [3 ساعات]

    Introduction to surveying; measuring units, significant figures, direct distance measurements with tapes, tape corrections; electronic distance measurements; levels and levelling; longitudinal profiles and cross sections; contouring; area and volume computations; the theodolite and angular measurements; optical distance measurements; rectangular coordinates; traverse surveys and computations; mapping.

  • 12281102: العمارة المعاصرة في الوطن العربي [2 ساعات]

    Comprehensive understanding of latest developments in the architecture of the Arab world, with special focus on the gulf countries; highlights of traditional local architecture; relationship to developments in the region and their global context; impact of trans-national practices; architectural practices in different countries; series of research projects on current undertakings.

  • 12281103: النقد في العمارة [2 ساعات]

    Introduction to the basics and fundamentals of architectural criticism; discussion of the act of creating architecture, and its “what and why”; reviews of architectural movements and the various directions of criticism they engendered. Emphasis is placed on the conceptions of criticism; different types and rhetoric of criticism are discussed in detail, with a view to develop the student’s ability to understand, analyze and interpret architectural works, as well as the meanings and intentions associated with them. Ideological and philosophical trends underlying selected architectural movements are cross-examined through selected examples.

  • 12281104: التصميم الداخلي [3 ساعات]

    Understanding and practicing theory and practical application in the design of interior spaces, and how different factors affect the integration of functional requirements into the spatial quality of a space, including day-lighting, artificial lighting, furniture, wall design, color application, and human comfort. Exercise and small scale projects are integral components of this course.

  • 15200102: اللغة العربية [3 ساعات]

    يهدف المساق إلى تنمية قدرات الطلاب المعرفية في مهارات الاتصال باللغة العربية المتعلقة بالتحدث والقراءة والكتابة والاستماع من خلال التعريف بمستويات اللغة العربية وإتقان استخدام المعاجم العربية الشائعة ومعرفة الأخطاء الشائعة اللغوية والإملائية والنحوية والاطلاع على نماذج أدبية عربية قديمة وحديثة إضافة للنموذج الأعلى القرآن الكريم.

  • 15200104: خدمة المجتمع [1 ساعات]

    يقوم الطلبة بأعمال تطوعية مثل التبرع بالدم أو ترميم البيوت أو مسارات سياحية أو عقد ورشات تثقيفية في الجامعة ، ويلتزم الطالب بالتدريب أو العمل لمدة 40 ساعة زمنية.

  • 15200106: اللغة الإنجليزية (1) [3 ساعات]

    مساق اللغة الانجليزية 1 مساق نظري تقدمه جامعة فلسطين التقنية خضوري لجميع طلبة البكالوريوس و لجميع الكليات كمتطلب جامعة، ويهدف هذا المساق،عموما، الى تطوير مهارات الطلبة للغة الانجليزية الرئيسية والفرعية، حيث يزود الطلبة بمجموعة متنوعة من الانماط اللغوية، وانماط مختلفة من القواعد والبناءات والتراكيب اللغوية، والكلمات والتعاريف العامه، والتي عند اكتسابها ، تساعد الطالب على التواصل ذو المعنى ضمن المواقف والسياقات العامة والحياة اليومية. وهذا المساق موجه باتجاه اكساب الطلبة المهارات التي يحتاجون لاستيعاب النصوص ، والسياقات، والمواقف والتي لها علاقة بمواضيع الحياة اليومية. خلال هذا المساق، سوف يعرض للطلبة مجموعة متنوعة من المدخل السمعي لغاية توسعة وتعميق مهارة فهم المسموع، ومهارات التفكير الناقد. يتوقع من طلبة المساق اكتساب المهارات اللازمة والتي تمكنهم من التعبيرعن آرائهم حول الموضوعات والمشاكل اليومية بشكل شفوي وبشكل مكتوب ، مما يساعد في توسعة الافق الاكاديمي للطلبة .

  • 15020105: مختبر فيزياء عامه 1 [1 ساعات]

    تجارب على توازن القوى، الحركة، السقوط الحر وحركة المقذوفات، القوة والحركة، قوانين نيوتن، الاحتكاك، الحركة الدورانية، الشغل، مبدأ حفظ الطاقة، مبدأ حفظ الزخم الخطي، عزم القصور الذاتي للاجسام.

  • 12310463: تطبيقات أنظمة التصميم البيئي في المباني [1 ساعات]

    "The student works individually on modelling a design project to evaluate the thermal comfort, daylighting sufficiency, natural ventilation, and building energy performance using simplified simulation tools. According to the analysis, the student proposes design solutions to improve building indoor comfort and energy performance. This course should be in parallel with course N: 12310461. "

  • 12280305: عمارة المناظر الطبيعية [2 ساعات]

    Introduction to the fundamentals of landscape architecture, study of the relation between landscape and architectural design; design of exterior spaces as they relate to and complement building designs; theoretical and historical background of landscape design, site analysis, environmental issues, and plant materials; landscape elements and classification; landform, plant life, microclimate; land use and land preservation, elements and methods of landscape design; study of aesthetic and functional values.

  • 12281112: الدراسات السلوكية البيئية [3 ساعات]

    Appreciation and understanding of cultural, social, and psychological issues in architectural and urban design, and their value toward successful design practices. An overview and analysis of the literature of major scholars, researchers, and practitioners. Critical discussion of human behavior in different building types and urban environments. Intensive discussion of issues that pertain to ways in which information about socio-cultural factors and environment-behaviour knowledge can be applied to design projects

  • 12280105: مهارات الرسم المعماري (2) [2 ساعات]

    Introduction to sociography and definition of shade and shadow in architecture. Shadow of planes, Shadow of volumes “Application of shade and shadow on the Architectural Drawings”. Introduction to perspectography. Drawing perspective with two vanishing points; Drawing perspective using measuring points; Presentation techniques of perspective; Application for a fully presented perspective; Interior perspective and Sectional perspective; exercises involve manual and computer applications.

  • 12280303: نظم التحكم البيئي (1) [3 ساعات]

    This course introduces you to the design of electrical building services, i.e. electrical systems and installations that provide power, movement, communication, comfort and safety in modern buildings. Building services are designed by electrical engineers prior to the construction of new buildings, and before maintenance and upgrade work in existing buildings

  • 12280503: مشروع التخرج [4 ساعات]

    Amalgamating the different types of knowledge acquired in the previous courses into a comprehensive design project. Continuation of senior project programming, and transforming the program and pre-design knowledge into a complete project that illustrates a deep understanding of design as an intellectual endeavour, including a consideration of socio-cultural, formal, technical, and contextual aspects.

  • 12280202: نظرية وتاريخ عمارة (1) [3 ساعات]

    Chronological development of architecture. The first part includes pre-history, Egyptian, Greek, Byzantine and the modern times; the development of structural systems, materials, construction and other building systems in the civilizations of the Middle and Near East; the path of the principal architectural thoughts and events which led to the development of major architectural and town planning theories; starting with Vitruvius’ “ten Books of Architecture”, to the European Art Nouveau movement (1890-1910) and the early influence of reinforced concrete. The second part of the course includes evolution from the Early Christian period through the Gothic, to the Renaissance and Baroque periods; the Industrial Revolution to the Modern movements; theoretical foundations of 20th century trends in architecture; Concepts of architectural space, form and vocabulary, as well as major town planning concepts and theories from these periods are discussed and critically analyzed.

  • 12280302: نظريات وأساليب التصميم [3 ساعات]

    Introduction to design methods and theories since the fifties, as they apply to different design professions, design creativity, design management, pre-design studies, design processes, mandates of design processes set by professional organizations, the changing role of the architect, participatory architecture, architectural programming, design briefing, post occupancy evaluation.

  • 12280402: أساسيات البحث العلمي في العمارة [2 ساعات]

    Understanding of basic principles of research techniques. Emphasis is placed on methodological and presentational aspects of architectural and built environment research. Fundamental aspects of communicating research are introduced, including writing and presenting research findings and concluding statements. Knowledge of differentiating between research, reports, articles and essays; an investigation of various methods for descriptive, analytical, explanatory, and critical research. Research projects focus on applying research techniques and tools in visual, social and technical terms.

  • 12280211: مختبر قوة المواد [1 ساعات]

    This laboratory provides practical applications to cover topic from the theoretical course conducting practical experiments such as the equilibrium of forces and beams within metals, shear modulus and deformation in beams and other experiments.

  • 12281111: صنع الأماكن الحضرية - تصميم الشوارع والساحات العامة [3 ساعات]

    provide an opportunity to turn urban design theory into practice through the completion of one project that includes the design of one urban area.

  • 12280391: التعليم الموجه نحو الصناعة (1) [7 ساعات]

    Focus on the socio-spatial characteristics of the place that influence the activities, behaviours, and needs of the space audience in a specific urban context; propose planning interventions that would enhance the active engagement of the people.

  • 12280493: التعليم الموجه نحو الصناعة (3) [7 ساعات]

    "Learning practical experience during the summer term. This experience aims at gaining the following skills: • Field inspections • Site grading • Contractor liaison • Cost and quantities estimations. • Building regulations "

  • 12280210: تحليل انشاءات [3 ساعات]

    Structural forms, types of supports, stability and determinacy, reactions, determinate structures, plane trusses, method of joints, method of sections, space trusses, shear and moment diagrams for beams and frames, three hinged arches, moving concentrated and distributed loads, influence lines for beams and trusses. Deflections: direct integration, moment area theorems, conjugate beams, real and virtual work. Introduction to the analysis of statically indeterminate structures.

  • 12280403: العمارة الخضراء [3 ساعات]

    Introduction to the various forces that shape the human environment with a particular focus on ecological determinants; Integration and internalization of environmental considerations aimed toward sustainable environments; Various issues are studied, including, successful use of open spaces, indoor environmental qualities, as well as economic derivatives and human health matters; Natural Elements (air, sun and water) are examined as they interact with human needs within buildings or building complexes.

  • 12280209: ستاتيكا [3 ساعات]

    Fundamental concepts of mechanics, force vectors, equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies. Analysis of simple structures, internal forces, friction, geometric properties of rigid bodies.

  • 15020102: فيزياء عامه 2 [3 ساعات]

    الشحنة الكهربائية، المجال الكهربائي، قانون غاوس، فرق الجهد الكهربائي، المكثفات والمواد العازلة، التيار الكهربائي والمقاومة، قوانين أوم وكيرشوف، القوة الدافعة الكهربائية، المجال المغناطيسي، قانون أمبير، قانون فرادي، الحث الكهرومغناطيسي.

  • 12280307: تشييد مباني (2) [3 ساعات]

    Introduction to identify and design activities required for finishing building including plastering, tiling and painting. Identity and design activities required for decoration and internal partitions. The students will identity and design carpentry work including doors and windows. Also, identify plan activities required to construct joints &insulation materials.

  • 12280311: تطبيقات محوسبة في العمارة (2) [3 ساعات]

    The use of the computer in architecture. Foundation knowledge, concepts, and skills fundamental to architectural computing within three software families: three-dimensional modeling; two-dimensional drafting; and, image processing. This course provides advance skills for architectural drafting, presentation and rendering techniques.

  • 12281101: تصميم معماري متقدم [3 ساعات]

    Study of contemporary trends in Architecture through the analysis of main trends in architectural thought in the end of 20th century, studio design of projects integrated technically and dealing with the topics of contemporary issues in architecture and the effect of modern technology on design methodology (Lecture 1hrs, Studio 9hrs).

  • 12280492: التعليم الموجه نحو الصناعة(2) [16 ساعات]

    "Learning practical experience during the second term. This experience aims at gaining the following skills: • Preparation o/f tender documents • Preparation of tender drawings and details. • Project estimating • Project reporting and scheduling • Contract administration • Spreadsheet/database applications "

  • 12280102: مقدمة في العمارة والفنون [2 ساعات]

    Introduction to architecture and allied arts. It involves theory and exercise applications of basic design and visual principles, including architectural form, painting, graphics, sculpture, music, drama, visual culture. Topics include the ontology of architecture; Composition: design and elements of composition. Form: Gestalt perception, visual properties of form, regular and irregular. Space: definition, elements defining space, organization of form & space. Photography: technical and architectural aspects. Proportion and Scale in architecture and art forms. Fundamentals of architecture: convenience, durability, aesthetics.

  • 12280201: تصميم معماري (1) [3 ساعات]

    Introduction to project design; simple but complete architectural design projects that place emphasis on programmatic aspects: space, order, context, and form; projects are hypothetical in nature in real sites; concept development; space definition; spatial requirements; adjacency requirements; contextual aspects.

  • 12280205: تطبيقات محوسبة في العمارة (1) [3 ساعات]

    Introduction to the use of the computer in architecture. Foundation knowledge, concepts, and skills fundamental to architectural computing within three software families: three-dimensional modeling; two-dimensional drafting; and, image processing.

  • 12280306: تصميم معماري (4) [3 ساعات]

    Continuation of Architectural Design Studio (3) with emphasis on addressing the relationship between concept and context, idea generation and alternative solutions; evaluation; selection of solution and communication of project design; considerations of behavioural and cultural aspects, user requirements, building function and activities, construction materials and systems, environmental constraints and climatic influences are also addressed.

  • 12280310: مبادئ التخطيط والتصميم العمراني [3 ساعات]

    Introduction to history of urban planning and design; history and evolution of public spaces in different contexts, diversity, integration into buildings and landscape; urban and regional theory and analysis; smart growth; new urbanism; land use planning methods; urban engineering, Infrastructure, transportation, and environmental planning and assessment; sustainable urban development; Urban design issues.

  • 12280401: تصميم معماري (5) [4 ساعات]

    Introduction to community design theories and techniques, participatory design; collaborative design processes; community involvement in decision making; understanding community needs and resources; housing types; new understandings in neighbourhood planning and design theories; gated communities; housing design; housing types; community support; design projects involve the use of community information in establishing collaborative design processes; and developing solutions based on community needs, preferences, and other contextual constraints.

  • 12280204: قوة المواد [3 ساعات]

    Application of section method, Stress Components. Strain Components, stress–strain diagrams, Hook’s low. Poisson’s ratio, deformations of an axially loaded member, Thermal stress. Torsion, diagrams of internal forces, bending stresses in beams, shearing. Stresses in beams. Compound Stress. Deflection of Beams, Buckling of columns.

  • 12281105: المباني الذكية [3 ساعات]

    Addresses the issue of sustainability in terms of design strategies that optimize environmental, energy and social behaviours of the urban environment.

  • 12281110: نظريات التصميم الحضري [3 ساعات]

    To develop an in-depth understanding of the complexity of urban design principles and processes based on a general awareness of the range of theories which support the discipline of urban design.

  • 15200099: إنجليزي إستدراكي [3 ساعات]

    انجليزي استدراكي 15200099: يركز هذا المساق بشكل أساسي على تنمية مهارات الطلبة في تعلم اللغة من خلال تزويد الطلاب بالمهارات الأساسية اللازمة للتواصل الناجح في كل من الأشكال الشفوية والمكتوبة للغة، بالإضافة إلى القواعد النحوية وكيفية استخدام المفردات في سياق ذي معنى.