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Kadoorie and ARIJ Organize Training on Information Verification
  • Saturday, 18-05-2024

Kadoorie and ARIJ Organize Training on Information Verification

The Media Technology Department at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie, in collaboration with the Arab Network for Fact-Checkers ARIJ and supported by the Google News Initiative, organized a training course on post-publication information verification for media students.

This initiative aimed to educate students on the importance of information verification in the age of fake news, teaching them how to verify information before publishing or sharing it. The training covered tools and methods for verifying sources and writing accurate media content.

The course was conducted by Ms. Watan Nayirat from ARIJ, who provided students with a comprehensive overview of information verification, its significance in today's world, and practical tips and guidelines for ensuring the accuracy of information before dissemination.

Dr. Walaa Batat, Head of the Media Technology Department, emphasized the importance of this training in enhancing students' skills in information verification. She noted that this effort is part of the department’s ongoing commitment to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become distinguished media professionals in a rapidly evolving media and technology landscape.

Dr. Batat added that Kadoorie University places great importance on training students in critical thinking and analysis to enable them to handle information accurately and effectively.

The course saw significant engagement from the participating students, who expressed their gratitude to Kadoorie University and ARIJ for organizing this essential training, which provided them with valuable skills and knowledge in information verification.