
PTUK Organized a National Seminar Entitled Prisoners Hunger Strike: Feasibility and Dimensions

PTUK Organized a National Seminar Entitled Prisoners Hunger Strike: Feasibility and Dimensions

Sunday, 06-03-2016

Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie organized a national seminar entitled " Prisoners’ Hunger Strike: Feasibility and Dimensions" with the participation of..

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Kadoorie Hosts a Ceremony to Honor the Winners of the Holy Quran Memorization in Tulkarm

Kadoorie Hosts a Ceremony to Honor the Winners of the Holy Quran Memorization in Tulkarm

Sunday, 06-03-2016

Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie (PTUK) hosted the winners of the Holy Quran Memorization Ceremony by the presence of the Prime..

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Kadoorie’s Competence Center Launches Two Courses in Sewing and Design

Kadoorie’s Competence Center Launches Two Courses in Sewing and Design

Thursday, 03-03-2016

Kadoorie’s competence center for fashion design and apparel manufacture launched two training sessions for teaching sewing and clothes designing financed by..

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Important remarks on the closing ceremony of the workshop on agricultural technology in greenhouses

Important remarks on the closing ceremony of the workshop on agricultural technology in greenhouses

Thursday, 03-03-2016

The deanship of scientific research and planning at Palestine Technical University –Kadoorie organized a workshop on “Agricultural technology in greenhouses” which..

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PTUK president Prof. Marwan Awartani participates in a symposium on universities governance

PTUK president Prof. Marwan Awartani participates in a symposium on universities governance

Thursday, 03-03-2016

On Tuesday , asymposium on universities governance was held at Middle East University- Jordan. This event was organized by the Council..

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Kadoorie participates in a Heuristic day for high school students and their families in Jerusalem

Kadoorie participates in a Heuristic day for high school students and their families in Jerusalem

Wednesday, 02-03-2016

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and in partnership with the Palestinian vision institution , Palestine..

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Kadoori Tamyaz students participate in a youth camp in Jericho

Kadoori Tamyaz students participate in a youth camp in Jericho

Wednesday, 02-03-2016

Approximately 140 participants from all over the country including Kadoorie Tamayz Students have participated in a coexistence program organized by Sharek..

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A Workshop About Entrepreneurship in PTUK

A Workshop About Entrepreneurship in PTUK

Wednesday, 02-03-2016

Leaders Organizations organized a workshop in Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie to assure the importance of universities role in entrepreneurship as..

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A Students Delegation Al-Quds University Visits PTUK

A Students Delegation Al-Quds University Visits PTUK

Wednesday, 02-03-2016

Kadoorie University hosted a students delegation from Al – Quds faculty of law to learn more about the “Israeli” incursions impacts..

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